As you can see, I've got big plans for next year!
As of today, I have officially submitted my application for the Central European Teaching Program and, baring any unexpected disaster, will be teaching ESL in Hungary starting in the Fall. I am thrilled to be going home and so thankful that CETP is providing the way for me to get there. My placement isn't definite but I am most likely going to be working at a bilingual elementary school in a small city (~25,000) called Hajdúszoboszló in Eastern Hungary near Debrecen (the second largest city in Hungary). After such a rough few months, it is hard to express just how happy I am to have a direction and something to work towards again. As I get more information, I will continue to share it but for right now, my plan is to arrive in Hungary between August 13 and 20, bum around in BP for a week or so before CETP orientation starts on August 23rd, then head east to begin teaching.
I am thinking on applying to CETP. I've been trying to get some reviews on them. How do you feel about the $500 application fee? Seems like a great opportunity but the money up front seems suspect.
ReplyDeleteI'd recommend it! The only reason they require the program fee is because that's the only way they are supported. Plus, the fee is refunded if for some reason you aren't accepted into the program. I'm in Budapest already waiting for orientation to start on Thursday. If you have any more questions I'd be happy to answer them.