Saturday, August 13, 2011

Getting closer :)

Two major things accomplished today in my WYD scramble...

1. I picked up the backpack I'm borrowing from Deb


2. Heard from a volunteer at the parish where I'm assigned to stay... which means -- I've officially got housing and have an address to go to from the airport... YAY!

Also bought a rain poncho, sunscreen - it's supposed to be 90-100F all week, and some plastic painting drop-cloth stuff for sleeping outside on Saturday night. I wanted to get a plastic pool air mattress but the Tesco where I looked only had kids Disney ones and they were really expensive. I'll check at another Tesco tomorrow and might get a camping mat if they don't have the air mattresses.

On a not-so-pleasant note, I still have no place to live after August 31st. I looked at a room this afternoon but there were a bunch of things that weren't great -- one or two I could have handled but it was more than that. It's frustrating... last year, I saw ~18 apartments in August. This was the first one I've seen this year. For some reason, people just haven't been getting back to me. Please pray that I find a place to live!!

2 Days!!

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