On Tuesday, we went to the Nordic Museum. I highly recommend this for anyone going to Stockholm who has any interest in folk art or traditional life.

Selected pictures from different exhibitions:
Furniture through the years

From the very modern to 19th century model living rooms.
Swedish homes

Recycling: it's not a new concept

Various household textiles

"Woman" and "Man" tradition clocks using traditional silhouettes

Modern art inspired by traditional folk patterns
An exhibit on the Lapp or Samis people of Northern Sweden

Various things taken on reindeer hunting trips and don't those boots look warm!
"The Power of Fashion" -- I was in heaven -- so many pretty/well made garments

I felt like I could have gone shopping "Yes, I'll take that and that, ooo, and that and this one here and that one over there."

Although, I'm certainly glad not to have to wear all of this every day... especially the hoops and corsets and crinolines (and one can't wear the dresses without those) -- that's why it's awesome to be a performer: I can wear fun stuff like this at work and then go home and change back into jeans :) ... plus, through doing costume and wardrobe work, I get to work with such clothes without having to always wear them myself.

This dress, for example, no interest in wearing that for more than a few hours in a show!

Some beautiful detail work

Not all of the clothes were for the rich... and even these were well-crafted.
The Fashion exhibit was followed by one on the "Dandy" and featured more menswear... I love dresses as much as the next costume/wardrobe girl but a beautifully tailored suit is in a class all its own. Unfortunately, my camera batteries were dying so I didn't get many good pictures in this exhibit or the next one (Men in Bathing Suits... it was amusing)

I played games with my camera - taking batteries out, turning them around, etc, and managed to get some pictures from the doll house display -- some of these were incredible in their detail.
The same was true in an exhibition of table settings from various times and for various occasions.

I only got a few picture from the section on traditional life which really disappointed me... this section showcased holidays and life events from Christmas and Easter to birth, marriage, death, graduation... there was even a display on a ceremony for hanging witches.

After the Nordic Museum, we went to the K.A. Almgrens Silk Factory and museum - Northern Europe's last silk mill. I had stopped to buy some batteries so was able to take plenty of pictures.

There was an enormous "wall" of silk.. pretty nifty

We walked by the ski race that they had been setting up for the day before.

We flew home on Tuesday night and I missed the last metro then had to wait an hour for the night bus AND then had to finish planning lessons for the next day... not such a great end, but it was a fantastic trip!
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